Family Farm Located in Dameron, Maryland

feel confident in the meat you serve your family


Local, Natural, Humane


Our Beginning

It all began around Grandma’s dinner table with the famous words, “what if.” Motivation, dedication, and strategic planning, followed by an abundance of paperwork led to the creation of our business in the year 2018. Trossbach Family Meats was founded by the fifth generation farmers of Trossbach Farms: JC, Mary, and Travis Trossbach. The ability of these fifth generation farmers to bring farm fresh meats to their diverse customers is their greatest attribute. Mostly focusing on beef and pork, the business has slowly expanded to the growth of chickens, and now turkeys for the seasonal holidays. The overall growth of the business in the last year has bonded the family in a multitude of dimensions.


“This farm is more than land, crops and animals. It’s our family’s heritage and future. It’s who we are.”


Our Mission

Trossbach Family Meats is dedicated to ensure the greatest quality of meat products, both natural and humanely grown, are used to feed your beloved family.


About Our Animals

On Trossbach Farms, there are 25 breeding heifers and 1 bull which are maintained throughout rotating pastures. Our calves are born yearly and weaned at approximately 6 months to ensure that no undue stress is portrayed on their mothers. All of the cattle, both breeding and market stock, have capabilities of grazing on grass/hay, along with ground feed mixed from our farms crops.

Along with cattle, we attain 20 sows on the farm that are bred by our personal boars. It is our goal at Trossbach Farms to receive averages of approximately 120 piglets yearly. Piglets are introduced to feed at 20 days and weaned slowly to become independent of their mother. In similarity to the cattle, the hogs are fed a mixture of our farm crops, used to create the ground grain feed.

Trossbach Family Meats take great care in ensuring the animals are healthy throughout their entire lives without the use of any antibiotics. The market ready cattle and hogs are processed by a USDA inspected facility, which maintains the same humane practices throughout the process.

View Our Beef Products →

View Our Pork Products →

View Our Poultry Products →


Visit Our Shop

Trossbach Family Meats is open Fridays 4 pm - 6 pm and Saturdays 10 am - 12 pm

Location: T & A Farm 18281 St Jeromes Neck Road Dameron, MD 26028

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