Turkey Growing Adventure

Trossbach Family Meats have expanded in the poultry direction, with Turkeys. Fresh Holiday Turkeys will be available during the holiday season.

Little did we know that turkeys are incredibly different acting than chicks. As we have done multiple batches of chicks and know what to expect. Normally the chicks pluck around the pen (which stays heated 24/7) when they crowd one another, they’re cold. When all hiding from the light, hot and when all peeping need food or water. Turkeys however love to cuddle each other. With 90 degree days we still found these birds huddled together (overheating of course), cuddling and stepping on each other. No matter the weather these birds stick together (or really on top of each other). Turkeys also like to hunt. These small birds creep around the pen waiting for a fly or other bug to land so they can catch it. Believe us when we say these birds are quick! Similar to a frog catching a fly, but instead the turkey stretches it’s neck out instead of a tongue. This has been a fun, interesting adventure so far! These birds are keeping us on our toes but we look forward to watching them grow.